Traditional Choir
Our choir sings every three weeks at the traditional services on Sunday mornings from September through June. Rehearsals are on Wednesday nights.
Worship Band
The Worship Band leads music for the 9:45 contemporary service each week all year around.
Ring for Joy
Our hand bell choir plays a variety of music once a month at the traditional services from September through June They rehearses on Tuesday evenings. They use multiple techniques on the bells and play our chimes on some pieces as well.
Our ushers welcome all who enter our services. They serve the Lord by passing out bulletins, assisting with offering, directing the communion lines, and aiding in a variety of other needs that may arise.
Acolytes are typically 6th through 8th graders in our confirmation program. They light candles, assist with offering and snuff out the candles at the end of the service.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild sets up and cleans up the altars for communion. They also keep our paraments (altar coverings) up to date with the church calendar.
Lay Readers
Lay readers read the the Word of God at our services. We even have a few who read in German at our German Chirstmas service each December.
Music and Worship Committee
Our Music and Worship Committee meets monthly and helps Pastor plan out all services at OSLC.